Products for Portfolio Management

Risk Integrated provides financial institutions with a way to understand the credit risk in their outstanding and prospective lending. Managing that risk starts with reliable methods to measure it. Our main solution is the Specialized Finance System. It is the most complete credit risk management system in the market today for managing and reporting on complex commercial lending portfolios. Learn more about the Specialized Finance System and our supporting products:

Specialized Finance System

The SFS is a fully-integrated management and reporting system for complex portfolios such as commercial real estate or project finance.

  • Consolidate loan information
  • Perform portfolio analysis and stress testing
  • Grade loans by asset and borrower quality

Generalized Finance System

The GFS is a risk and reporting platform for performing stress tests across all asset types, allowing realistic capital allocation.

  • Designed for risk groups and portfolio managers
  • Integrates into existing banking systems
  • Capital calculation across most asset types

Enterprise Spreadsheet Platform

The ESP helps establish control over spreadsheets that often evolve into critical applications at financial institutions.

  • Minimizes spreadsheet risk from errors or fraud
  • Elevates spreadsheets into controlled applications

Risk Consulting

Beyond our software solutions, Risk Integrated provides customers with traditional risk consulting services.

  • Bank examiner training
  • Risk methodology
  • Economic capital